ARRL Field Day is June 24 – 25. Get ready for amateur radio’s largest on-air operating event with official 2023 ARRL Field Day merchandise available for order now. T-shirts, hats, pins, patches, and stickers are great ways to show off your involvement in this annual event. This year’s colorful design features a globe centered on North America and the words, “Tune In The World.” The back of the t-shirt includes a check-off list of ARRL and RAC Sections – a fun way to keep track of your Field Day contacts.
Encourage club members, family, friends, and prospective hams to take part with ARRL Field Day recruitment posters and attractive “Get on the Air” (GOTA) pins for newcomers.
Get your 2023 ARRL Field Day supplies from the ARRL online store or by calling the toll-free number 1-888-277-5289, from Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 7 PM and on Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time. If you are outside of the US, call 1-860-594-0355.
The complete 2023 ARRL Field Day packet is online. ARRL encourages participants to register their Field Day operations with the Field Day Site Locator.