FCC rules now allow persons to obtain all classes of licenses…
– without learning Morse code!
ARRL Volunteer Examiners Coordinator (VEC) Program The ARRL’s VEC program has a long-standing tradition of serving the Amateur Radio community and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with integrity and expertise. As the largest VEC in the nation, we operate as a knowledgeable information source for a wide-range of licensing issues. ARRL accredited Volunteer Examiners (VEs) support us around the country by offering exam opportunities in their local communities and helping exam candidates fulfill their Amateur Radio aspirations. Service and volunteerism are vital parts of our Amateur Radio culture. VEs give so generously of their time, energy and skill to our community. The ARRL hopes that you will embark on this rewarding journey and become an ARRL Volunteer Examiner!
ARRL Volunteer Examiners (VE) Testing The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created the VEC system to provide initial licensing examination for prospective new hams and upgrade examination opportunities for those already licensed. FCC authorized VEC organizations to oversee the work of their certified Volunteer Examiners (VEs) and serve as a liaison between the exam applicants and the FCC.
Abilene VE Team
Ron Harden, Jr, WT5X
Coordination VE
424 W 4TH
Baird, TX 79504
Phone: 325-513-3184

Testing Schedule
Please contact WT5X
VE Testing Session will be held at the Abilene Public Library, Mall of Abilene, 4310 Buffalo Gap Rd,
Usually the 1st Saturday of every month, unless otherwise stated.
Preregistration is required at HamStudy.Org
Scroll down until you see the date of the test.
Click on the time.
Register for the session.
Things you need for your test session.
HamStudy.org registration number
$15 test fee (bring exact change).
Photo ID
Original License or your FRN Number
A Copy of your Official License can be printed from the FCC ULS website
Reference copy will not be accepted. You will also need your FRN if your Original Official License does not show it.
If you are not currently licensed you MUST create a free FCC Registration Number (FRN) from the FCC website to complete the Form 605.
Your FRN will be needed to complete the application as Social Security Numbers are no longer used.
Optional – Calculator (non-programmable)
If you do not have a FRN number go to: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do
See you there! Good Luck!
Ron WT5X
VE Team Lead
Sponsor: Abilene Texas VE Team Abilene, Texas area VE exam testing sessions (date & time) posted on the website below. http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-exam-session
Please place all cell phones, radios, etc. on quiet until after all testing has been completed. Bring cash or check made payable to the ARRL / VEC. for $15.00 (the cost of the exam).
NEW:You must pre-register with the FCC and have an FRN number prior to taking a test.
You will also be required to provide an email address on you application. Bring 2 forms of identification, (at least one should be a picture ID). Other forms of ID may include:
– Birth Certificate (with seal) – Library Card – Report Card (from school) – Student ID
– Utility or Bank Statement
– In case of a minor, a legal guardian may present a photo ID.
As of Feb 17, 2015, the FCC will no longer automatically print and send your license via postal mail.
Bring the ORIGINAL and a PHOTOCOPY of your current license and/or Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE).
This PHOTOCOPY will be sent with your paperwork for processing.
Lack of a provided PHOTOCOPY can result in a delay of the processing of your application. We will not have a copying machine on site!
You can bring your own calculator, but be ready to prove there are no formulas pre-programmed in it.
Cell Phones, iPhones, iPads, Android, Smartphones, Blackberry devices and all similar electronic devices with a calculator capability, may NOT be used.
Bring a pen as well as pencils.
All sessions will begin promptly at 1:00 pm, please be a bit early for paperwork and instructions.
Due to variations in photocopying, pen is preferred for all form areas, such as name address etc.
Pencil is preferred for erasable areas such as the actual “Test Answer” section.
Clean “scratch paper” will be provided, please be sure not to write in the test booklet.
Also, please note that our test location for today will be known as “Abilene, TX”.
Walk-ins are allowed. A special needs person should call a few days ahead so we can ensure proper accommodations.
After the test has been taken, please allow us time to grade the test on site.
During this time, others may still be working on their test, so please be courteous and observe quiet time.
If you pass, please wait for a CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) before leaving.
This is the proof of passing your exam today.
If you are upgrading your current license, and have passed an examination for General Class privileges, you can now operate using “your call sign /AG”. Likewise, an upgrade to Extra Class would be “your call sign /AE”.
In the following days, all exam materials will be forwarded for processing by the ARRL and the FCC.
Usually allow up to 10 days for your new or upgraded license to be processed and show on the FCC website. Once a call sign has been assigned, you are now allowed to transmit on the air.
Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) forms are valid for a period of 365 days after you pass an examination element. Once you have been issued a license as an Amateur Radio Operator, you do not have to repeat the same examinations, unless you fail to renew your license within two years after expiration of the ten-year licensing period. Under recent FCC rule revisions, you may contact the ARRL, FCC, or an electronic database of Amateur Radio licenses directly originating from the FCC’s records, and go “on-the-air” before you actually receive the printed copy of your license in the mail. This usually takes 5-14 days from the next business day after the test session for your new call sign to be issued and entered into the FCC’s records. Please DO NOT Call the FCC or ARRL until at least 10-14 business days have passed since the test session. Federal Communications Commission, Licensing Office 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) M-F 8 AM – 5 PM Eastern Time American Radio Relay League, VEC Records Division 1-800-927-7583 or (860) 594-0300 M-F 8 AM – 5 PM Eastern Time
Thank you! – to our wonderful KCARC Volunteer Examiners (VEs)
Ronald L. Harden, Sr. KB5DSL Extra
Bill Shaw KJ5DX Extra
Nathan E. Howk AF5FJ Extra
Randy Robinson N5JZH Extra
Christopher Goodnough AI5YI Extra
Cody Brannon KE5LGG General
Tammy Harden KB5NLP General
Ron Harden, Jr, WT5X – VEC Extra