Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)

In the United States and Canada, ARES is a corps of trained amateur radio operator volunteers organized to assist in public service and emergency communications. Amateur radio provides a means of communication “when all else fails”. ARES groups are volunteer amateur radio operators who come together for the common purpose of providing emergency and/or auxiliary communications service to public safety and public service organizations. Most individual ARES units are autonomous and operate locally. ARES groups are generally organized by city or county and are made up of volunteers from the local area.

ARES is self-activating and can support government and non-government agencies.

The only requirements to join ARES are a willingness to serve and a valid amateur radio license. Groups are organized locally by the person holding the position of Emergency Coordinator (EC). The EC maintains full responsibility for organizing the local groups and serving as their leader during operations. The EC is an ARRL member; and is generally the point of contact for those wishing to perform Emergency Communications in their local area.

For additional information, visit the following website:

Would you like to put your communication skills to use for public service or disaster?

ARES wants and needs you! It doesn’t matter whether you are a licensed Technician, General, or Amateur Extra. There is a place for you.

Emergency Net:
The local ARES Net is on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm.

2-meter (VHF) band
146.76 MHz repeater
– 0.6 offset / 146.2 Hz tone
Abilene, Texas

Monthly Meetings:
ARES members meet the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 am – 12:00 noon.

MALL OF ABILENE (Library conference room)
4310 Buffalo Gap Rd.
Abilene, TX 79606

Interested in Emergency Communications?
Come join us!

For more information contact Allen Brooks, KF5SPQ, Taylor County Emergency Coordinator at 325.701.4683.

ARES Coordinators:

West Texas Section Emergency Coordinator
David Overton, KF5WDJ

District 3 Emergency Coordinator
Gary Armstrong, KC5NOX

Note: District 3 encompasses Gaines, Andrews, Dawson, Martin, Borden, Howard, Scurry, Mitchell, Fisher, Nolan, Jones, Taylor, Shackleford, Callahan, Coke, Runnels and Coleman counties.

Taylor County Emergency Coordinator

Jones County Emergency Coordinator

Nolan County Emergency Coordinator

Callahan County Emergency Coordinator