From The President


(Copied from the January Newsletter)

President’s CornerEdwin
Edwin Bumpass (WS5EAB)
Dear Club Members,
My name is Edwin Bumpass (WS5EAB), and I am proud to call myself your
new President, (“El Guapo”), of the Key City Armature Radio Club. I grew up
on a farm outside of Noodle and except for a couple of stents in Colorado
and East Texas, the Abilene area has been my home the majority of my life.
I plan to continue to keep the momentum of recruiting new members and
doing activities with the club. I am not really new to Ham radio, as I was a
real electronics nerd and HAM when I was a teenager but got distracted by
cars, guns and girls and let it fade away! Thanks to a really bad influence,
(David Andrews), I now have my General Ham License and am looking to
gain my Extra class in the next year or so. I own the Texas Surplus and
Survival store where I build antennas, battery packs, and also host “build
sessions”. I enjoy participating in many of the activities that the club has
participated in, including Tour de Gap, Field Day, and Frontier Day. In the
future, I will continue to be on the lookout for more activities for the club to
participate in and am open to any suggestions that you all might have. I
would like to take a moment and thank all the members for allowing me this
opportunity and David Andrews for being a great Elmer over the past several
years. Let’s have a great year in 2025!
Edwin Bumpass – WS5EAB
President, Key City Amateur Radio Club